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The points of contact between Rutgers Cooperative Extension Service and the grower & business communities are the NJ County Agricultural Agents. The agents are a tremendous source of information for both new and experienced growers. Visit your local county extension office.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Owners of Storm Damaged Properties Urged to Apply For Tax Assessment Reductions

I hope this finds you safe and sound from the devastation of "Sandy". If your farm has suffered any crop, equipment or building damages, in addition to reporting those losses to the USDA Farm Service Agency, FEMA, and your insurance company, here are a couple other programs that you might find helpful. Note that there are strict deadlines to follow.

  • All property owners whose dwellings have been destroyed or made significantly less valuable as a result of Superstorm Sandy are urged to notify their local tax assessor in writing before January 10, 2013 to see if they qualify for a reduction in their property's assessed value for tax year 2013 under New Jersey Law (NJ S. 54:4-35.1).
  • The New Jersey Division of Taxation has extended the tax filing deadline for businesses struggling to recover from Superstorm Sandy. The deadline for all tax filings and payments that were/are due in the period beginning October 30, 2012 and ending November 26, 2012 has been extended to November 26, 2012.

--Rick VanVranken

Ag Convention/Veg Meetings move to February 5-7 for 2013

As we come to the end of 2012, we look forward to a new year and to upcoming winter meetings. There has been a significant change on the winter meeting schedule, so please take note. After a successful first run this year, the Vegetable Growers Association of NJ and Rutgers Cooperative Extension will once again combine their winter educational conference and trade show with the NJ Ag Convention in 2013, but the traditional dates have changed. It will not be held in January, so Please MARK THE DATE! This coming year, the NJ Ag Convention (including the NJ Vegetable Conference and Trade Show) will be held February 5, 6, 7, 2013 at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. Be on the lookout for registration materials that will be mailed in mid-December. If you don't receive a mailing, you may find the program and registration forms on the VGANJ's website.

Happy Holidays and all the best for the coming New Year!

-- Rick VanVranken, for the Rutgers Cooperative Extension Vegetable Working Group

